Check out our new YouTube video series on “Insights”. This free video tutorial series will focus on instilling new insights to create a shift in your consciousness. Once internalized and implemented, your life will never be the same. This is one of the primary things we do with our Advanced Life Coaching Programs at Manifesting Consciousness. In our programs, we expose you to new understandings that will challenge your current limited thinking, and unhealthy beliefs, thereby opening your mind to new possibilities. The only thing standing in your way is the habitual, unconscious life operating system, that currently runs your life. If you want to change and improve your life, you must awaken to reality. Then you can question this “Unconscious Life Operating System”, decide what is no longer true or working for you, then empower yourself to let it go. Once this occurs, you can then start to create your life based on what you truly value. A life that is authentic, transparent, and uniquely you! This is how you begin to experience true peace, happiness, and deep fulfillment.
Watch our third video installment below:
Insight #3 – Doing vs. Being
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