Chapter 5 Ethical Code of Conduct for Life Coaches

Code of conduct: It’s essential for you to follow and meet ethical standards in your work as a coach. You need to have your work as a coach come from a set of ethics and principles that both you and your clients can depend on. And you need to be able to apply these ethical principles in your coaching relationships.
Ethical Principles
- To act ethically and with the benefit of your client in mind when working as a coach
- Make truthful and honest statements to your clients and in all marketing materials. To not offer services or outcomes which you cannot provide.
- Maintain a professional relationship with your clients at all times and to not allow that relationship to cross into inappropriate territory. Avoid inappropriate sexual or romantic relationships with clients.
- Resolve conflicts of interest when working with clients. Discuss conflicts of interest openly. And remove yourself from the coaching relationship if these conflicts of interest cannot be resolved.
- Recognize any personal issues you may have that are affecting your work. Take measures to protect and serve your clients by taking breaks from providing coaching or referring clients to other coaches if you are incapacitated due to personal issues.
- Be sure to explain the nature of coaching to clients and what they can expect in their sessions with you.
- Respect the client’s right to terminate coaching with you.
- Have a clear coaching agreement prior to the initiation of sessions
- Encourage client to take responsibility for their actions and choices.
- Respect the strictest confidentiality of your clients which means you do not release or share any information related to your clients unless required by law. The only reasons to violate confidentiality are if your client is going to harm themselves or other people and you fear for someone’s life.
- Continue to develop your professional skills.
- Get supervision when you begin working as a life coach to ensure that you are providing coaching of the highest caliber and effectiveness.