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Life Coaching – What Is Life Coaching?

Have you ever wondered, what is life coaching?

Have you ever wondered - what is life coaching?
To change your life: You must retrain your mind, challenge any un-healthy beliefs, and eliminate any limited or un-healthy thinking.

Transcending The Ego’s Un-True Story

To truly transform your life, you must first understand what’s controlling it.”

What is our definition of life coaching?

Our advanced life coaching programs at Manifesting Consciousness, specifically address and answer this question. Our programs are designed to quickly get to your core issues, along with the deceptive story created by you and the Ego, to see what is really controlling your life.

The “Story”, which has become your “Unconscious Life Operating System”, is the primary factor in deciding what things you think, say, and do. This story began early in childhood (around 7yrs old) as a way in which to understand and cope with what you were experiencing. It was also effected by the influencers in your life such as: Parents, Siblings, Friends, Teachers, Social Media, and your own thoughts.

To undo the “Story” and retrain your mind, you must be willing to look at how it was created, and the benefits or “Juice” you get from holding on to the deceptions of the ego. With guided exploration and questioning from a certified life coach, you can define the Ego’s story in you and learn how to transcend it.

Watch this MUST SEE video where I share my philosophies, techniques & inspiration!

At Manifesting Consciousness, we specialize in Advanced Life Coaching programs

What is Advanced Life Coaching? Our programs are a bit different than your typical life coaching programs because we combine the most effective counseling therapies, along with the latest Life Coaching & NLP (Neuro-Linguistic-Programming) techniques, to ensure our clients and students (who want to become a life coach), receive the best results possible!