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Use Self-Hypnosis to Heal Your Inner-Child: Transformational Life Coaching with Manifesting Consciousness

Powerful Self-Hypnosis Tool:

Use this powerful self-hypnosis tool to heal your inner-child. If you don’t think your inner-child influences how you interact in the world, think about how many times you are jealous, envious, intimidated, irritated, irrational, angry, or a victim to someone. This is your inner-child screaming out for you to see and heal it! Unfortunately, if we never heal ourselves, we will continue being stuck in those childlike behaviors and limitations. Empower yourself, by loving, honoring and respecting yourself.

Creating shifts in consciousness, is one of the primary things we do. Our Advanced Life Coaching Programs at Manifesting Consciousness, are very effective. We specialize in addressing your “Core” issues, not the symptoms. Our programs expose you to new understandings that will challenge your current thinking, thereby opening your mind to new possibilities. The only thing standing in your way of an amazing life, is the habitual “Unconscious Life Operating System” that is reinforcing unhealthy or limiting beliefs.

To create real and lasting change, you must see what’s holding you back. Then you must question it to decide what is no longer true or working for you. After seeing that you have been living life inauthentically, and you take 100% ownership and responsibility for believing the deception, you will empower yourself to change it. Now you can let it go. Then we will begin to create a “New Life Operating System” based on your true values and who you really are. A life that is authentic, transparent, and uniquely you! This is how you begin to experience true peace, happiness, and deep fulfillment.

Receive all of our insight video’s by subscribing to our YouTube channel “Manifesting Consciousness” then check out our Playlist on “Insights”. You can also receive (for a limited time) a FREE 2hr. life coaching session by booking it at our “Store” page (there is no further obligation). We offer this so you can see firsthand how powerful and effective our advanced life coaching programs are.

#healing #innerchild #lifecoaching #nlp #empowerment #selfhypnosis #manifestingconsciousness

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Powerful Self-Hypnosis Tool to Heal Your Inner-Child

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