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Our FREE Webinar “Manifest Your Dreams” is almost here! Join us: Wednesday April 7th @ 6:00pmMST, 8:00pmEST for a life altering event where we will show you what’s standing in the way of creating the life you always dreamed of!

Ready to create the life you’ve always dreamed of? Join us for this live event where we will help you remove the blocks that are standing in your way!

Click on the following link to attend this live event:

Many of my clients ask me the same questions about life coaching, so in the video above I try to answer some of those questions along with addressing some of the misunderstandings about life coaching.

At Manifesting Consciousness, our advanced life coaching programs quickly get to your “Core” issues to ensure real & lasting change. We combine the most effective counseling therapies, along with the latest Life Coaching & NLP (Neuro-Linguistic-Programming) Techniques, to ensure our clients or students (to become a life coach), receive the best results possible!

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