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Welcome to our Store at Manifesting Consciousness

Scroll down through this “Store” page to learn more about the services we offer.

Transcend Ego Addiction & permanently clear away fear, suffering, limitations and self-doubt. This will allow you to experience deep inner-peace, empowerment, immense joy, & true love. With over 26 years of experience, my transformational life coaching programs are designed to provide the tools, insights, & guidance you need to live an amazing life!

Changing unhealthy, habitual thoughts & beliefs, takes time and commitment. However, if you’re ready to permanently transform your life, my intensive programs will help you awaken to reality and become Self-Realized. As awareness rises, a shift in your consciousness will occur that will drastically improve your relationships, career and the quality of your life.

My “Transformational Life Coaching Programs” focus on: Transcending Ego Addiction, Removing any Blocks, Personal Empowerment, Improving Self-Confidence & Self-Worth, Healing Your Relationships, Marriage & Partnership Issues, Parental Challenges, Breaking Unhealthy Programming & Conditioning, Career Guidance & Development, Transcending the Deceptions of the Ego, Spiritual Development.

Reserve a free session to see if my transformational programs are a good fit for you and experience firsthand how powerful & effective my proven techniques are.

“Let’s start a conversation!”

Travis Dumont: Transformational Life Coach & Master NLP Practitioner

My programs are not typical!

With over 26 years as a Transformational Life Coach, Master NLP Practitioner & Cognitive Therapist, I have designed my intensive programs to help you permanently clear away the unhealthy mental programming, you have been conditioned to believe since birth.

Society, Influencers, Advertising, Social Media, Demographics, Friends, Family, Parents and the Ego, have programmed & conditioned us since birth to believe that we are “Lacking” in some way and therefore need something from outside ourselves in order to be complete & happy. This is “The Big Lie.” Around the age of 6 or 7, we begin to form our personal belief systems in order to deal with the life experiences we are having. Unfortunately, the only thing we have to base our beliefs on is what we’ve been taught because we are too young to understand life ourselves yet. Children learn what they live.

These belief systems may have served us as naive children but as adults, they tend to limit and block our potential. Transcending habitual unhealthy thoughts & limiting beliefs can be extremely difficult because we have been reinforcing them our entire lives. My transformational life coaching programs are designed to help you permanently clear away this unhealthy programming by instilling new insights, tools & guidance to help you challenge any thoughts or beliefs that no longer serve you.

You’re NOT broken, you’re simply confused. The truth is, you are perfect exactly the way you are, right here, right now, nothing else is required. Learn about the “vital role” that the Ego plays in this production we call life, so you can overcome its deceptions. This is true empowerment!

We strive to keep our transformational coaching programs affordable so people from all walks of life, can experience true freedom & empowerment!

For questions or to learn more, call/text-Travis: 1(801) 557-5781 or simply “Click” on the type of free session you’d like to reserve below.

SAVE NOW: $1000 or $500 off our 6 or 12mo. Master Programs! Use Promo Codes at Checkout: “Save1000” or “Save500” (Space is Limited)

Life Coaching Programs: 1hr. weekly sessions

Ready To Permanently Transform Your Life? Choose my intensive 6 or 12 month Master Programs below. These are 2hr. weekly sessions. (Click on photo to purchase)

6-Month Master Program: Transformational Life Coaching with Manifesting Consciousness

6 Month Master Program: 55 hrs. – $5500

12 Month Master Program: 52-2hr Sessions, over 105hrs. Transformational Life Coaching with Manifesting Consciousness

12 Month Master Program: 105 hrs. – $10,500

12-Month Master Program: Spiritual Development-Manifesting Consciousness

This Master Program is for advanced spiritual guidance on how to transcend the world of duality & the Ego, while embracing your Higher-Self – $11,000

These 6 or 12 month programs are for individuals who are truly ready to permanently transform their lives. These intensive 2hr. weekly sessions will help you overcome the unhealthy thoughts and limiting beliefs brought on by social conditioning, our influencers and the deceptions of the Ego. To experience true freedom, empowerment, deep inner-peace, immense joy and true love, we must transcend this deep mental programming and Ego Addiction.

For students who want to become a Life Coach and/or NLP Practitioner, or for current coaches who want to take their programs to a highly transformative level, I will walk you through my coaching process and help you improve your techniques. I will also help you create & operate your coaching business in a responsible and ethical way. These programs are strictly for serious, highly committed, open-minded individuals, who want to understand how the Human Dynamic works, the purpose of the Ego, and how to help clients undo unhealthy habitual belief systems. As a Master NLP Practitioner, I will teach you how to harness the unlimited power of the conscious & sub-conscious mind to assist in the manifestation of your goals and desires.

See also: Manifesting Consciousness YouTube Channel

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Transformational Life Coaching?

My transformational life coaching programs are unique in that I combine the most effective counseling therapies, along with the latest life coaching & NLP techniques to ensure that my clients & students receive the best results possible. My master programs focus on changing limiting beliefs at a “Deep Core-Level” to create a permanent shift in your consciousness.

What Is The Difference Between Life Coaching & Therapy?

The main difference between life coaching & therapy is; Therapy helps you deal with past traumas, abuse, addiction, depression, etc. Life Coaching briefly looks at your past in order to remove any blocks or limiting beliefs. Then I help you discover who you are and what you truly value to manifest the life you desire.

Why Hire A Life Coach?

This is a great question! My proven Master Programs are for those who want to go beyond traditional therapy or life coaching practices. My very intensive, deeply transformative programs are for people who are truly ready to permanently change their lives. Permanent change requires serious commitment because you have to undo life-long habits and belief systems. However, once you do, a shift your your consciousness will occur that will change your life forever!

How Do I Become A Life Coach?

At Manifesting Consciousness Academy: You will receive live, One-to-One, online training (Not Videos) on how to become an effective life coach! My proven Master Programs offer complete certification for Life Coaching & NLP (Neuro-Linguistic-Programming). In addition, you’ll receive instruction and guidance to help set up your entire Life Coaching Business.

Contact Me:

Fill out and submit the form to the right, to immediately receive my contact information. Then you can call, text, or Email for more information about my programs, or to schedule your FREE 2hr. session or class.

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