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Free Session: Prerequisite for Master Programs


Free 2hr Session


12 & 6 Month Master Programs require a free 2hr session as a prerequisite to participate. These very intensive, deeply transformative coaching opportunities are designed to help you permanently transcend limiting beliefs and to powerfully manifest your goals & desires. I use this free session to determine if my master programs are a good fit for you. Programs include: priority scheduling, advanced power sessions, unlimited support between regular sessions, personality type analysis & training, dream analysis, NLP therapy, cognitive therapy, facilitation of the work of Byron Katie, Eckhart Tolle and Dr. David R. Hawkins. In addition, this program includes advanced homework/worksheets, and challenges.

I WILL CONTACT YOU FOR SCHEDULING INFORMATION & TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS YOU MIGHT HAVE. You can also call or text me (Travis Dumont) at: 1(801)557-5781

Make an investment in yourself and in your future, today!